References Sheets

Avoid including your Reference (or Reference Sheet) when sending your résumé or vitae, unless it is expressly requested. Also, do not place "References Available Upon Request" (belch) at the bottom of your material. That's a given.

In preparing references, stay between three and five, but no more. Employers are interested in your professional (employment-related) references--not your personal ones. And, just because you have a cousin or other relative with a different last name, it is not wise to think you can fool a sharp-eyed HR individual. You wouldn't be the first person on the planet to think of that.

While there is no set format for listing your references, the following is suggested:

     Individual's Name, Title/position       (Telephone)
     Company/Organization                        email address
     Years known:

Be sure to include your name, address, phone number and email somewhere at the top of the reference sheet. If you want to appear coordinated, copy the format heading from your résumé or vitae.