Age Discrimination

Once you move past 45, age discrimination becomes more apparent. Yes, there are federal laws prohibiting it. So what else is new? Hauling an employer into court might seem plausible, but the deck is stacked heavily against you. 
Aside from financial devastation, being unemployed solely because of age can take a toll on one’s psyche, and subsequent stress can cause other serious health issues. Telling the job seeker to remain positive is borderline insanity. What you need is usable information and a take-charge strategy. 
My recommendation to job hunters, regardless of age, is to take a holistic approach. When you look like a physical wreck, and outwardly project a grim image, age becomes an ancillary issue. Those body and soul issues need to be addressed before worrying too much about age discrimination.
Being physically fit and mentally with it, generates an enormous amount of creative and contagious energy. That energy will translates itself into positive job offers.  
Assuming you are qualified for the position(s) you seek, let us examine other job-killing factors. Answer the following question as honestly as your ego will permit.
Without squinting, do you look 10 years younger than your physical age? 
If yes, you are in good shape.  Concern yourself with the condition of your résumé. If not, then you have to ask yourself what you can do to look younger. Here is a short list to get you started.

Lose weight?
  •   This is a physical exercise and eating habit issue. 
Revise your hairstyle and polish your nails?
  •   This is a grooming issue. 
Update your wardrobe?
  •   This is a financial investment issue. 
Improve your complexion?
  •   This is a dietary, and possibly an exercise issue. 
Teeth are bad or not white?
  • This is a dental and financial issue. 
Collectively, these appearance issues have serious job-offer repercussions. Coming through the employment door for the first time, you want to look and act as if you are the hottest product on the job market.